III. Departmental Statement of Outcomes, Processes to Assess These Outcomes, and Assessment Results
Outcomes/Objectives Assessment Results
- Athletics promotes academic Faculty Athletic Committee Tutored 40 student
success of student athletes by considered number subjects/ athletes in nine
providing effective tutoring in a students tutored & semester academic subjects.
wide range of courses. grades. Result of student athlete Successful course
tutoring/academic survey. completion for
GPA’s, Academic Standing subjects tutored.
by Classification, & Graduation GPA’s, Academic
rates of student athletes. Standing, Graduation
rate higher for
student athletes vs.
general student
IV. Example of How Department Used the Assessment of Goals and Outcomes
to Change/Improve a Process
The athletic department realized that more useful information could be gathered to evaluate the effectiveness of the tutorial program and to make future decisions about the program. Currently, we consider primarily whether a student athlete receiving tutoring successfully completes the course for which tutoring is needed. Beginning fall, 2002, the department will consider several factors such as previous semester grade in a similar course, course grade at the time tutoring begins, subsequent test/assignment scores, and final grade in the course to assess the effectiveness of the tutorial program. Beginning in the 2002-03 academic year, the athletic department and Faculty Athletic Committee also will consider the results of various university and NCAA reports such as GPA’s for student athletes, Academic Standing by Classification, and Graduation and Retention Rates to assess the academic tutorial program and the department’s adherence to the educational purpose of the university.