K • 5-8
Peachtree City
Starr’s Mill
At UWG: Young placement specialist back for second season in West Georgia program saw duty as a freshman a year ago, connecting on all 10 PATs and booting a pair of field goals has good leg strength and needs to improve consistency on accuracy and distance enters preseason drills in the mix to win regular kicking job this fall
High School: Prepped for Coach Mike Earwood at Starrs Mill High in Fayette County earned both first and second team all-region and all-county honors during junior and senior seasons
Personal: Born November 22, 1983 son of Jeff and Paula Vickers exhibits sense of humor with list of favorites; food: chicken fingers and chitterlings movies: Shrek I and II; music: polka; TV: Everybody Loves Raymond; music performers: New Kids on the Block; other sport: womens soccer lists boyhood hero as Jar Jar Binks non-sports hero is mom, Paula would like to meet Larry the Cable Guy prefers smoked ribs over grilled would like to meet Carmen Electra majoring in Physical Education