22 Kacie  Crider


P • 6-0

At UWG: Strong young pitcher joining the Braves for her first collegiate season . . . has great stuff and will vie for the #1 spot in the pitching rotation.

High School: Played for one season under coach Lisa Phillips at nearby Bremen High School . . . also played as a junior in Cobb County . . . In her junior campaign, led Region 5AAAAA in strikeouts with 288 . . . named First Team All-County and team MVP . . . as a senior at Bremen, had a .28 ERA in leading her squad to the state playoffs . . . . named First Team All-State . . . threw four perfect games combined in high school and travel ball.

Personal: Born March 11, 1987 . . . daughter of Rick and Carol Crider . . . Majoring in Biology . . . hobbies include swimming, horseback riding and playing softball . . . favorite foods include pasta of any kind, mexican, italian, japanese and cheeseburgers . . . . favorite non-sofball sport is baseball . . . people who tell her she is tall drive her crazy . . . favorite TV Shows are Friends and One Tree Hill . . . has a hidden talent for singing . . . favorite is George Strait and more . . . plans on becoming a veteranarian.

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